Sunday, September 27, 2015

Yes. I am Pro-Life!

One of my most favorite photos of all times. A baby in utero, 10 weeks after conception. So beautiful! It always brings such a sense of awe and wonder to me when I see it. (Not sure who it belongs to so if you know please let me know so I can give proper credit) But not going to lie, it also makes me pretty angry. And I know this will probably make a lot of my friends mad but something has to be said. I am pretty open minded about a lot of things. But not this. Because did you know that at the moment of fertilization, a baby has it's own unique set of human DNA? Or that the sex of the baby has already been determined? That the heart starts beating 18 days from conception (before most of us even know we are pregnant) or that brain waves are detectable at 6 weeks? That at 7 weeks babies suck their thumbs? What about that by 9 weeks from fertilization, all the structures necessary for pain sensation are functioning? Which means that during an abortion, the baby feels everything. Don't believe me? Google an ultrasound video of an abortion. The Silent Scream is one that comes to mind. Watch it and watch the baby try to get away from the vacuum or forceps. Watch that baby literally be ripped apart and die, scared and in agony and still tell me that abortion is okay. And now people have the audacity to say that it's not selling body parts, that it's not the dissection of an innocent baby, but that it's "research." Why on earth would you need to research tissue from something that's not even human? If it's not a human, so doesn't have a right to life, than there is no good reason it needs to be "donated" for research to benefit humans. It has human body parts because it is a HUMAN! But abortion is a womans right you may say. Well I have yet to hear a valid argument on why the baby has no rights. It's sad. It's appalling. And we are so scared of offending people that we stay silent. Meanwhile millions of babies are being slaughtered. Because we stay silent. It's time for us to speak up for those who can't speak for themselves. A lion is killed and the world weeps. I can say as loudly as I can that black lives matter but I forget to mention that more black babies are aborted than born. And don't even get me started on the evil, racist woman that started PP. You can say that all lives matter but not speak up for those most innocent of lives. But we need to remember to be very careful when dealing with women who have had abortions. These women are not our enemy. We have been told our whole lives that not only is it okay to have an abortion but that it's our right. This is not a war on women. It is a war on the organizations and society's that teach that this is okay. We can not convince anyone of anything by calling them names and threatening them. Speak the truth but speak in love. One day not only they will have to answer for their actions but we will have to answer as to why we set back and said nothing while evil prospered. Or why we were the reason someone tturned away from the Pro-Life movement. Do not answer evil with evil. Only love can overcome evil.

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