Friday, February 21, 2014

Grace DeGraffenreid

Early this morning the world lost an amazing little girl named Grace. If you didn’t have the privilege of getting to meet her just know that Grace was the true definition of a warrior princess. From day one she has fought with a strength and wisdom beyond her years. She has defied the doctors predictions from the get go and fought with an amazing grace that was so befitting of her name. And with all of the sass of any true princess! There isn’t a man (or woman) around that could say no, or even wanted to say no to, her little princess requests! And as blessed as we were to know her, she was equally blessed with the family that God so graciously loaned her to. Watching them through the night and this morning was a humbling experience for me. The way they gathered around each other to support one another. How they kept putting each others needs ahead of their own, time and time again. The way that they surrounded Grace and her parents and brother with so much love to support them in their time of need. Where Grace got her determination and heart from is no wonder! You are all simply amazing.

I truly believe that Grace was here for a reason; to show us all how to truly live and love. Every single person who ever met her knew immediately that she was love personified. She lived and loved with a fierceness that most of us are never smart enough to learn how to do.

A song has been playing in my head for hours now and I really think that she knew exactly what life was all about. That no matter how many mountains you have to climb, and knowing full well that there was always going to be another mountain around the bend, life is all about the climb. It’s about spreading love and laughter and helping each other along the way. It doesn’t matter how difficult the mountain is, it’s about getting there! Making the journey worthwhile! And boy did she and her family make it worthwhile. She was a very happy girl who knew without a doubt how well she was loved. And she loved her family just as much, especially her mommy, daddy and big brother! The strength of the 4 of them is something I can’t even describe. She was a very lucky girl.

And as happy as her family made her, she is happier now than any of us can comprehend. Today she won her battle and I know she ran straight into the arms of our Father. She is free from all pain and discomfort. She is now skipping and dancing with the angels and with the family that’s gone on before her to help plan her celebration party. Cause we can only imagine the party that was waiting for her when she arrived! I’m sure it’s still going on and that there is a line of angels a mile long waiting to get their nails painted by Gracie!

And now it’s our turn to carry on the rest of our journey. With the same love of life that she had. As hard as I know it will be we can’t give up. Cause she would whoop us if we did! Love and be loved. I think that was her secret to life. She loved so hard and was loved back just as much.

God bless you Gracie. Thank you for teaching us all so much in such a short time. Thank you for being our Saving Grace. We will see you soon kiddo…

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